How To Interpret
Interpret scales keeping in mind that even slight changes in the relationship of L, F, and K to each other can change the elevation and configuration of the scales. Next look at the highest scales on the MMPI-2 , MMPI-A and MMPI profiles. Use the subscales to help interpret the main clinical scales. Use the extra scales and formulas to help with your interpretation. The higher the elevation of a scale relative to other scales, and the more elevations in similar scales, the more descriptors of that scale may apply. Each scale qualifies the interpretation every other scale. For example, if Sc is high, and higher than the other clinical scales, and Sc3, PaO, Psychoticism, Bizarre Mentation and the Goldberg Index are all >T65, then an interpretation of psychosis is likely. Also if Pd is > T65, and PdS, Pd1, Family Problems, FAM, MDS are high and PdO, ANG, and ASP are not high, then interpret the Pd scale as not indicative of psychopathic tendencies, but reflective of family problems. The opposite would be indicative of psychopathic tendencies. Inconsistent information may be descriptive of the person's own conflicts and inconsistencies. Information from history and interview can help resolve apparent inconsistencies.