Gordon, R.M. (2008). Addendum To MMPI/MMPI–2 Changes In Long Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology, Issues In Psychoanalytic Psychology Vol. 30, No. 2, p.159.
Gordon, R.M. (2008). Addendum To MMPI/MMPI–2 Changes In Long Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology, Issues In Psychoanalytic Psychology Vol. 30, No. 2, p.159.Robert M. Gordon, Ph.D.
Private Practice, Allentown, PA
Gordon’s (2001) study of the high reactivity of the MMPI/MMPI-2 to long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy did not include effect sizes and correlations. These are now included for use in meta-analyses. Fifty-five polysymptomatic outpatients mostly at the borderline level were tested at the beginning and end of treatment. After M = 38.8 months (SD = 17.1) of treatment, scales F, Hs, D, Hy, Pd, Pt, Sc, Ma, and A, all significantly decreased with a range of Cohen’s d fromDepression (-1.24), Anxiety (-1.24) and Psychasthenia (-1.23) to the lowest significant scale decrease- Hypomania (-.41) . Scales K (resiliency) and Es (ego strength), increased significantly (Cohen’s d = .77 and .80 respectively).
Key words: long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy- LTPP, psychodynamic, MMPI, MMPI-2, outcome measure, effectiveness

Gordon, R.M. (2008). Addendum To MMPI/MMPI–2 Changes In Long Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychology, Issues In Psychoanalytic Psychology Vol. 30, No. 2, p.159.
LTPP means “Long-Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy”. The scales are in non-K corrected raw scores.
Contact information: Robert M. Gordon, Ph.D. 1259 S. Cedar Crest Blvd. 325
Allentown, Pa. 18103 Email: rmgordonphd@gmail.com
Web site: www.mmpi-info.com
Robert M. Gordon, is an ABPP Diplomate of Clinical Psychology and a Diplomate of Psychoanalysis in Psychology, as well as Fellow of the Division of Psychoanalysis, and served on the governing council of the American Psychological Association. He was president of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association and received its Distinguished Service Award. He authored many scholarly articles and books in the areas of psychotherapy, relationships, forensic psychology, ethics and the MMPI-2. He has a private practice in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.